Fitness industry insights, information and opinion pieces from our experienced exercise professionals, covering everything related to training and nutrition from building muscle to staying motivated.

The Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic Diet

To assess any low-carb diet trend, we need to look at its pros, cons, and how realistic it is to get right in the “real world”. This article looks at the pros and cons of the Keto diet by getting to grips with the process behind it.

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Carbs vs Fat

Carbs vs Fat

The health industry has always tried to demonise single macronutrients (other than protein). It makes it easier for the consumer to understand and easier for them to sell you a single product. In fact, all of them are actually a crucial part of our diet.

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Meet Insulin

Meet Insulin

There are many hormones that are controlled by the foods you consume, but insulin is the most relevant when looking at weight management because it controls how sugars are used by your body and fat is stored. A strong understanding of its function makes you able to dispel myths of it being something bad, and empowers you to ensure it’s something you manage appropriately.

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