Fitness industry insights, information and opinion pieces from our experienced exercise professionals, covering everything related to training and nutrition from building muscle to staying motivated.

N-WHY-E: Find your foundation for fitness in 2021

N-WHY-E: Find your foundation for fitness in 2021

N-WHY-E: Find your foundation for fitness in 2021.

Somehow, we’ve made it to the end of this crazy year and, like the end of any year, it’s that time for setting new goals, targets, and resolutions.

This year has been particularly tough for making resolutions stick, especially fitness-related ones. How can you go for that daily jog if you’re not allowed out of the house? How can you make that promised gym session when they can’t even let you in?

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3 Reasons to Start Your New Year’s Resolution Before New Year

3 Reasons to Start Your New Year’s Resolution Before New Year

2021 has been an … interesting year, shall we say. And with not long left until the New Year, we might as well just put our feet up, ride the rest of it out, and hope that 2022 has a lot more to offer, right?


We reckon New Year’s resolutions are going to kick up a gear this year. Plenty of people will be making up for lost time, wishing they’d done more during lockdown, or got a taste for a new hobby that they promise themselves they’ll stick to.

But who wants to follow a crowd?

There’s every good reason to set - and start - your New Year’s resolution before January 1. We’ve picked out just three of them.

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5 Reasons you need a PT

5 Reasons you need a PT

While there is no shortage of fitness guides and training tutorials on the internet, sometimes it can get more overwhelming than helpful to sort through it solo. Selecting which workout plan to follow, what movements work for your personal body goals, the kind of equipment required to execute them, and whether or not can you even stick to the workout plan you’ve set for yourself - it’s all very daunting.

If you can relate to even one or two of these pain points, it might be time to start working with a personal trainer. Here's why.

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Embrace The Sun

Embrace The Sun

Despite living in the tropics, most of us spend a lot of time avoiding the sun. It’s understandable. Sweating when not during a workout is uncomfortable and can be quite socially inconsiderate, and many of us have been subject to fear-mongering by sunscreen companies. The reality of it though is that we evolved under the sun and, in the right dosages, it plays an undervalued role in our health.

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Sleep 3.0 - The Last Resort

Sleep 3.0 - The Last Resort

Do yourself a favour. Don’t read this article until you’ve read Sleep 2.0 of Joompa and implemented everything recommended there. Not bothering with any of those basic lifestyle tips but trying the hacks listed below is comparable to being that guy who takes 3 different protein shakes a day but doesn’t go to the gym. Sorry, but supplements, equipment and technology aren’t the foundation of success, they’re either a means of helping those struggling to make the basics count, or tools for those trying to get an edge to take their success to another level. This is not medical advice, but it is information you can use to discuss possible solutions with your doctor, which should be done before you begin taking any supplement.

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Sleep 2.0 - Sleep like a King (or Queen)

Sleep 2.0 - Sleep like a King (or Queen)

If you read Sleep 1.0 then you’ll be well aware of how integral sleep is to almost every aspect of your health. It’s not just an inconvenient obstacle to be dealt with in the minimum required dosage for survival, but rather a key part of what is required for recovery and maintenance of the body & mind. The problem is, that you can take all the information on board and commit to creating that uncompromising 8-hour window each night, but the modern world we live in throws up tonnes of obstacles that affect our ability to actually sleep through it.

Luckily, we’ve got the solutions for you.

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Sleep 1.0 - Don't wait until you're dead

Sleep 1.0 - Don't wait until you're dead

We live in an age and culture where sleeping is viewed as wasting time. Why sleep, when you could be working, partying or even training. Whilst you’re lying in bed with your eyes closed, the rest of the world is getting ahead in business, having fun, or getting fitter respectively.

Except, the latter may not be true, and the first two options only true at a cost to one’s health.

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